Polysaccharide Peptide Anti-aging Spot Cream
Ingredients:deionized water, hydrophilic emulsifier,
collagen active protein peptide, collagen moisturizing complex factor, lipid
protein, L-serine, hyaluronic acid, cell growth factor, cytochrome C, vitamin
E, collagen hydrolysates, hydrolyzing fibroin.
Efficacy:provide a variety of nutrients, boost water
power, deep nourish, moisturize and clarify. Multiple biological whitening
active ingredients act on skin in-depth to whiten and regulate, leaving skin
activated, fine, shiny, elastic and natural healthy.
1、 抗老化、抗自由基、用细胞再生的生物方法,除去皮肤痕迹,消除色素沉积,使肌肤健康亮丽。
anti-free radicals, biological method of cell regeneration is used to remove
scars, eliminate pigmentation, and allow skin to be healthy and beautiful.
2、 抗衰老,抗自由基、以活化肌肤为目的,令肌肤紧致饱满,具有活力弹性,不因外界的因素和岁月流逝而带给肌肤困扰,青春常驻。
anti-free radicals, for the purpose of activating; it leaves skin astringed,
pulpy, energetic and elastic, standing the torture of passing time for
permanent youth.
Usage:evenly apply the cream on the face or neck
and slightly massage.
Suitable for skins:The product is suitable for anyone of any
skin type.